LDS Notebooking Has a New Home!
I have a new site – as you can see! I have a lot of things I still have to do here, so please be patient with me 🙂 I prefer WordPress’s format better anyway. So this is a better fit for me.
I made the move here to WordPress for a few reasons
- I wanted a place where I can store my files so I don’t have to send you all off my site. I’ve added all my freebies to one page (for now). I’ll be sorting them out in the coming weeks.
- I am planning on creating the notebooks for all the primary manuals. I’ve had several of you ask me about this and wanted to let you all know that this will be happing 🙂 Again, please be patient. I’m still a mom who homeschools and works part-time. The next manual will be Primary 2.
- Because the notebooks take so much time and money for clipart, I’ve decided to charge a little for them. I will keep them affordable. You only need to purchase once for your class and/or family.
I revised the Primary 3 notebook. Instead of cut and paste pages, I created them into worksheets. I’ve included handouts and lesson helps where relevant. I also put everything into one file. It includes over 120 pages! I will be taking the Primary 3 freebies down at the end of the year. So you will still have time to get them over at TeachersPayTeachers.
I can’t tell you have much a appreciate all of your encouragement and support!! It’s been overwhelming!
Enjoy the new site!